Econ Alive Notebook Guide
- Econ Alive Chapter 1 Notebook Read more about economic, economics, enigma, principle, notebook and economy.
- Teachers Curriculum Institute Econ Alive Notebook Guide - In this site is not the similar as a solution calendar you purchase in a record buildup or download off.
File Name: Size: 7159 KB Uploaded: - This page is frequently updated and contains information about the book, past and current users, and the software. This page also contains a link to all known errors in the book, the accompanying slides, and the software. Since the solutions manual is distributed electronically, all known errors are immediately fixed and no list of errors is maintained. Instructors are advised to visit this site periodically; they can also register at this site to be notified of important changes by email. (read: privacy policy). Archives of A scholarship is money given to pay or offset school bills and lower the number of student loans you need.
The word ‘Economics’ comes from two old. To stay alive. Poverty (noun. The Curriculum Project ECONOMICS: - Teacher ’s Guide. The Curriculum.
The quantities can range from only a few dollars to an all hen type. This latter one is often referred to as a full experience.
The counseling workplaces of most high faculties will have a guide that lists the more average scholarships out there. Under are descriptions of a few of the most often used sources. Many organizations be glad about scholarships through the local school methods.
This is a way for a company to inspire scholars to look at topics relevant to that organizations business. A few of these scholarships are free however others have a stipulation of working for that particular business upon a hit of entirety of experiences. This is a type of student mortgage, as you need to pay off it by working off the debt.
Friday- EQ- Explain how scarcity, productive resources and opportunity cost are related? Take out a piece of paper and write down today's essential question. We will use this as a final question to answer after we complete 'My Wish List' Activity Sheets 4,5 & 6 2. Before we begin 'My Wish List' activity, please copy & discuss these Unit 1-Key Ideas (keep them under 'Notes' section of binder.
Next, we will use the computers to complete the 'My Wish List' Activity 4 (click on the link below for the directions) Thursday- EQ- What are the seven principles of economic thinking? Today, you will complete a close reading assignment using Chapter 1-An Economic Way of Thinking, in your Economics Alive book.
Open up the directions and Chapter 1 Notebook Guide below 3. If you do not finish the work during class, please finish it for homework. For an online copy of your textbook, use the same sign-in information for your Civics Alive book and it will be switched over to Economics Alive! Wednesday- EQ- How can you think like an economist? Today is our first day of Economics! You will need a piece of paper and some vocabulary notecards! After you write today's date and essential question on your paper complete the following pre-test to see if you already think like an economist.
After you finish your pre-test, read the packet 'Basic Instruction-Unit I-Economic Survival: Resources, Production, and Scarcity pgs. 12-14 (click on the links below for a copy of the pages). You may highlight, underline and write in the margins of this article. Now that you have read the article, go back and make any adjustments on your pre-test as you see fit. Turn your packet over and on the back copy these vocabulary words.
Today, we will only define the first five for you to put on notecards. 1.scarcity 2.
Productive resources or factors of production 3. Opportunity cost 6.
Cost-benefit analysis 9. Marginal thinking 10. Incentive 11.
The invisible hand 13. The law of diminishing marginal utility 14. Economic enigmas 15. On your paper with the essential question, copy down these notes. Scarcity is the biggest economic problem in the world. Scarcity exists because people have unlimited wants with limited resources. This leads to not having enough g/s to fulfill everyones wants and needs.
Economists say that we only need 5 basic needs in order to live and survive; food water, air, shelter, and clothing. Everything else is a want! For something to be scarce, it must meet three criteria; it must be limited, it must be desirable, and it must have alternate uses. Copy and discuss these vocabulary words and their meanings: Tuesday- No school today due to Veteran's Day! A special shout-out to all of the veteran's who serve our country and keep it safe! Monday- Friday- 11/7/2014 Monday-11/3/2014 EQ- What obligations do you have as a U.S. What is the difference between duties & responsibilities?
What are the specific ways that citizens can become involved in government? Discuss the results of the oral presentation and re-record the last few groups. (due to technical recording error) 2. On a piece of paper, write your name, date, and period and the following title: Citizenship and Government. Next, read and write the essential questions. These questions will be our guiding thoughts as we are learning about the last part of Civics: Citizenship and Government. You will be completing a reading assignment in the alternate Civics Book- American Civics.
I will include links to the pages below. You will read together with a partner. During the reading, you will stop and answer several smaller questions that will lead you to the thinking needed for the bigger questions. Set up your paper in the following way: Page 3- According to the information on page 3, what does it mean to be an effective citizen of the United States? Page 4- What 'ideals' form the basis of U.S.
Government and the American way of life? Pages 5 & 6- Identify 10 qualities of a 'good' citizen. Page 6- Identify 3 ways that citizens can become involved in government. As you read each page, stop, discuss, and answer the close reading questions.
Friday- EQ- What characteristics make for a strong speech or an oral presentation? For example, what qualities do you like in teachers or other speakers when they present something to you? Please take out your Oral Presentation Rubric, your information you are going to present, and a piece of paper.
Write your name, date & period and today's essential question. Turn the paper over and 'brainstorm' some of the qualities you think make for a strong speech or oral presentation. Discuss some of your 'brainstorms' with Ms. Watch this short video and check your brainstorm list for each tip. If you are missing one of these important tips, add it to your list! Now, combine all of this new information with all of the information we have discussed and seen this week and get ready to put all of this into action for your project!! You can do this!!
And, the most important feature is that a good grade on this will help your marking period grade!! Thursday- EQ- Do you think that minor parties (3rd parties) serve any purpose? Explain why or why not. (Use evidence from the video and reading selection ( to support your answer) 1. Take out a piece of paper and copy today's essential question. Turn your paper over and copy the following information about the video that you will watch: Title of Video- American Third Parties Explained A.
Why do third parties exist? What are the five third parties discussed in the video? Write a one to two sentence summary of the purpose of each of the third parties explained in the video. Watch the video- American Third Parties Explained Complete A, B, and C questions from above while watching the video. Manual for 2018 quest 650 xt.
After watching the video, write your name, date, and period on the article ' Third Parties: The Political Wild Cards' (Click on the links below for a copy of the article) 5. After reading the article and taking notes from the video.answer today's essential question.
Make sure you follow the 'how to answer an essential question' notes and use 'claims' from the video notes and the reading to support your answer. H.W.- Finish classwork and EQ for homework if you do not finish in class. Wednesday- Tuesday- Monday- Friday- EQ- Political parties are extra-Constitutional. What does that mean Tuesday- Friday- EQ- How and why did the framers distribute power in the Constitution?
Homework goes in basket for a completion check! (Checks & Balances Reading/Questions/Answers 1-10) 2.
Please take out your textbook, a piece of paper and write today's essential question at the top of the paper. The title will be 'Reading Challenge'. You will use this paper to write down notes during your 'Reading Challenge' Assignment. (write down questions & answers you have trouble with) 3.
Sign into your online textbook and go to Chapter 4-The U.S. Constitution (Lesson 4 is Chapter 4). Look at the top tool bar and find the words 'Reading Challenge'. Open the reading challenge that has been assigned to you.
I will count this classwork as a formative grade so take your time, use your textbook to help find the answers. Check your answers on Chapter 4 Notebook Guide Tuesday- EQ- How do the following documents reflect the dynamic nature of the U.S. Take out your DBQ Essay folder and take the documents and the student directions/rubric out of your folder. Take out all of your Chapter 4 vocabulary, and your Constitution Notes (The Arrow Notes) 3.
Discuss the rubric and 'essay outline', together as a class. Write your rough draft-don't worry about spelling, punctuation, & grammar YET! You will revise and edit your rough draft tomorrow! H.W.- Begin preparing for your Chapter 4 test, study vocabulary and re-read Chapter 4. Friday-10/10/14 EQ- How do the following documents reflect the dynamic nature of the U.S. Today you will be given a folder for all of your DBQ documents. The folder stays in the top drawer of the filing cabinet.
Remember that DBQ essays are considered a test and you are not allowed to work on them at home. Write your first and last name on the tab of the folder. You can use your notes, vocabulary, and Chapter 4 of your textbook for 'outside information'.
(stuff that you have learned about in class) 4. Look at the DBQ documents and questions and begin reading & analyzing all of the information that is in the documents. Take note of the following things: a. What type of information is this, a picture, a newspaper article, a political cartoon, a supreme court case, etc.? Is the information from a primary source or secondary source?
Highlight the source and the date of the information. How does the information that is in each document relate to or support the answer to the essential question? Take the rest of the period to analyze the information in the documents and answer the questions that are below the documents. If you finish early and you have some spare time, correct the answers to your Constitutional Law 1 Matrix questions and answers. Thursday- EQ- How did the framers create a federal system of government that would permit change but also constrain change? Take out your Chapter 4 vocabulary cards and review the meaning of the words 'strict construction' and 'loose construction'.
These are two different ways that a Supreme Court Justice can 'interpret' a law or a case from a lower court. Get an idea of how the U.S. Supreme Court operates by completing a 'game-up' session in Brainpop. Follow these directions and then click on the link when you are ready to start. On the opening page, look down towards the right middle section for the tab that says 'Game-Up', click on that tab. Look on the left side menu and click on the tab 'Social Studies' d. Look on the top right menu for the tab 'Supreme Decision' e.
Click on the arrow to begin the session and make sure you read and follow all directions. Write the following information on a notecard to turn in at the end of the period- What was your score?
Who's side did you take? Was that strict construction or loose construction? Why did your results come out that way? Hand in your notecard as your exit ticket. Wednesday- EQ- How did the framers create a federal system of government that would permit change but also constrain change? Take out your Chapter 4 Vocabulary Notecards.
You will need to number them and add a few more vocabulary words to the stack. (see list below).
Use your textbook to define the new words. Due process 2. Republican government 3. Enumerated powers 4. Implied powers (same card as necessary & proper clause) 5. Checks and balances 6. Federalism 7.
Independent judiciary 8. Strict construction (looking at the text) 9. Loose construction (adapting it to today) 10. Judicial review 11.
Filibuster 12. Executive actions 2. Take out a piece of paper and set it up like the following graphic organizer. (We will take notes and discuss the four ways the U.S. Constitution is flexible and is able to remain relevant to changing times.).
85 KB 3. Use the information from the slides below to fill in the graphic organizer: Tuesday- EQ- How did the framers create a federal system of government that would permit change but also constrain change? Please take out your 'Constitution' packet and turn to pages 7 & 8 2.
Open up to the Amendments in the back of your textbook. Take out a piece of paper and number it from 1-27 4. You will take a quiz on the 27 amendments. The purpose of the quiz is to make sure you understand the amendments because they contain your rights and your civil liberties. You may use your amendment summaries and the full text of the amendments in the back of the Constitution. You only need to write the number of the amendment on your quiz paper. Click on the following link to open the quiz.
Read and work diligently because you will not have all period. You will get your Constitutional Law 1 Matrix back, after the quiz, finish 11-20. Remember you will need to use the Articles to the Constitution, along with the Constitutional Outline to find the answers to the questions. H.W.- Finish the Constitutional Law 1 Matrix 11-20.
Monday- EQ- How did the U.S. Government create a federal system of government, with a balance of power? First, put your homework in the basket for a quick completion check (1-10 of Constitution Law 1 Matrix) 2.
Secondly, take out your 'Constitution Packet' (page 6) The Government Tree 3. Take out a few sheets of paper and on the first, copy the essential question. Take out a note card and write down the following three urls and their titles.
On another piece of paper, turn it sideways and copy the following chart so we can find out some information about U.S. Friday- EQ- How has the United States government been able to remain effective through over two centuries of change and how has the country balanced conflict between tradition and change?
Put your finished Chapter 4 Notebook Guide work in the basket. Take out your Constitution Notes, that we started on Wednesday, and we will finish copying them and discuss them. (see below) 2.
Next, take out your 'Underlying Principles of the Constitution' Packet and number the pages from (1-8). Using the Constitution in the back of your book, or the digital copy below, complete page 2- The Outline of the Constitution. Lastly, using the Constitution and the outline of the Constitution, complete the Constitution Matrix Questions. Write your answers on the Matrix Answer Sheet. Don't forget projects were due today, if you did not give me the link to your Country Facebook Page, make sure you write it on a notecard and put it in the basket. H.W.- Complete 1-10 of the Constitution Law 1 Matrix Thursday- Wednesday-10/1/2014 EQ- How has the United States Constitution (Government) been able to remain relevant & effective through over 200 years of change? Unit 2-Constitution Notes-Take out the paper from yesterday (with the essential question) so we can take some notes on the Constitution.
We will be going out of order, so turn your paper over, move about halfway down the page, and copy the following information 3. Open your textbook to pg. 378 (This is your textbook copy of the Constitution of the U.S.).Together, we will view and discuss the three parts.
Click on the link below for a digital copy. After the discussion, open your Constitution Packet to page 4- The Preamble Scramble-read the directions, use a highlighter and the preamble in the textbook to complete the scramble. Second half of the class, work on your Country Project. (This project is due Friday) H.W.- Review Chapter 4 vocabulary notecards for tomorrow's discussion Tuesday-9/29/2014 EQ- How has the United States Constitution (Government) been able to remain relevant & effective through over 200 years of change? Put your Chapter 4 Notebook Guide classwork (work only!) in the basket to be checked for completion (until we go over and correct it).
Take out a piece of paper and put this title: Unit 2-Dynamic Government Notes and copy the essential question. Read the essential question and think it over.
Keep it in your binder, under Notes so we can get back to it tomorrow. Take out your project pre-work: Your country paper (with the reading information on it) Governments of the World paper (complete this paper using the following websites) Facebook Template paper A blank note card to write your url on 3. Click on the link for the 'FAKEBOOK' template and follow the directions below! On your notecard, write down a password that you will use for the template below. You have to put two posts on the page in order to be able to save it with a password. After you save it, a page will pop up giving you your new url address for your template.
Please copy it correctly as it is case sensitive!! Begin working on your project, saving your work, periodically, as you work. The project will be due on Friday and today will be the only 'full' day of class you will have to work on it, therefore, do not waste time!!
Econ Alive Chapter 1 Notebook Guide Answers
H.W.- If you have not finished your research for your country, finish it tonight. Don't forget that you should also use the information that is on your country reading paper, along with the research websites that I gave you. Monday-9/29/2014 Friday-9/26/2014 EQ- How should political and economic power be distributed in a society? Unit 1 test today 2. You may use your vocabulary notecards from Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 3.
Sign into your online textbook and click on 'Assessments' tab at the top of your homepage. First, you will complete Chapter 1 test and then you will complete Chapter 2 test, for a total of 45 questions. After the test, continue with your research for your country Facebook project.
Fill out 'Governments of the World' worksheet, use these websites. H.W.- Finish your research over the weekend so you can start your project on Monday! Tuesday-9/23/2014 EQ- What are the origins & evolution of government? Chapter 2.3 vocabulary notecard homework quiz- please take out a piece of notebook paper and your vocabulary notecards from Chapter 2.3 for a 15 question quiz.
After the quiz, pick up a reading assignment to complete (on your own paper) on Chapter 2.2- The Origins & Evolution of Government. Sign into your device and go to your online textbook, Chapter 2.2, and complete the reading assignment, while you are reading!
(click on the link below) 4. Correct Chapter 2.3 homework quiz-turn in for a grade H.W.- Finish Chapter 2.2 Reading Assignment Monday-9/22/1014 EQ- What are the different types of economic systems around the world and how do they match up with the types of political systems around the world? Unit 1 Test on Friday (Chapters 1 & 2)- please write this down and begin studying!! Go over the work that was given back to you, make corrections in a different color and hand back in (if needed) or file it under the correct section in your binder. Papers returned- Materials Check #1, Chapter 1 Vocabulary Quiz, The Five Sources of Power Questions & Answers, The Five Sources of Power Notes. Papers corrected- The Five Sources of Power Questions & Answers (see below) and 2.5- Economic Systems Graphic Organizer (see link below) Ch 2.5- Economic Systems Graphic Organizer Answer key 3.
Hand in work from Friday- Video Reflection Questions and Close Reading Assignment /The Function of Elections in a Democracy. H.W.- Begin studying for Unit 1 test on Friday (includes information from Chapters 1 & 2) Friday-9/19/2014 EQ- What is the function of elections in a democracy? Click on the video below: The History of Voting 2. After the watching the video, react to the video by answering the questions (on your own paper) from the Directions worksheet! Next, read the article, one time, all the way through, without filling out the close reading assignment.
Then go back to the beginning of the article and use the paragraphs to complete the close reading assignment. After you finish the close reading assignment, go back and review your answers.
Finally, complete the Student Worksheet 1, with critical thinking questions (this is where you pull all the information together) either in class or for homework. Thursday-9/18/2014 EQ- How do different forms of government, in today's world, compare? Regarding last night's homework, write the name of your country at the top of your paper, with your name, date & period and put in the basket for credit. Open your textbook to Chapter 2 section 3- Forms of Government in Today's World 3. You will need 13 vocabulary notecards.
We are going to read the section, together, and learn how to paraphrase information for our note cards. We are no longer just putting the definition. While we are are reading, we will pause, digest what we just read, and write down supporting information on our vocabulary cards.
See the vocabulary list below: 1. Absolute monarcy 2.
Dictatorship 3. Coup d'etat 4. Single-party state 6.
Direct democracy 8. Parliamentary democracy 9. Prime minister 10. Ministries 11. Vote of no confidence 12.
Presidential democracy 13. Transitional or unstable government 4.
If you do not finish this assignment in the allotted amount of time, you will need to finish for homework. Research Your Nation- Pick up the paper to use for researching your country. Write these two websites at the top of your country paper (from the other night's homework) Wednesday-9/17/2014 Tuesday-9/16/2014 EQ- How do you compare and contrast the forms of government in today's world? You will need your textbook, open to page 31, and your 'Structures of Government' chart from last week.
(For a copy of the 'Structures Chart' click on the link below) and 14 note cards! Take one of your note cards and use it for your opening activity: Election of A New World Leader Directions: Three candidates are trying to win your vote to become the next world leader.
Click on the link below and read each description. On one side of your note card write the letter of the one candidate that you will vote for. Then turn your card over and write two or three sentences as to why you chose that candidate.
Econ Alive Notebook Guide Answers
Place your card in the green basket for counting of the ballots. We will discuss the results as a class.
Turn to Chapter 2 section 4 and be prepared to complete and discuss the 'Structures of Government' chart that we began last week. For a blank copy, click on the link below. Using your correcting pen, check and correct the answers to your 'Structures Chart', (together as a class)- Use your finished chart as a study guide for Unit 1 test! H.W.- Read Chapter 2 section 5 and write down the following things: The 4 kinds of economic systems and the 3 basic economic questions that all countries answer. Friday-9/12/2014 Thursday-9/11/2014 Wednesday- 9/10/2014 EQ- Why are governments around the world structured differently? Today we are going to start talking about ideas in Chapter 2- Comparing Forms of Government. Please take out a piece of paper and copy today's essential question as your guide for today's lesson.
You will not answer this question today, just start thinking about it. You are going to watch a 30 minute documentary on North Korea.
Turn your paper over in case you want to jot down some notes. Pay attention to the type of political system described in the video. Do their citizens have any personal freedoms?
How is the government set up? Do you think this government structure was formed by history, values, culture or ideology influence? I am not collecting the notes, however, we will discuss them after the video. H.W.- If you would like to read ahead in your textbook, we will be taking notes on Chapter 2 sections, 2 & 3 tomorrow. Study your Chapter 1 vocabulary note cards in case we have a pop quiz. Tuesday- 9/9/2014 EQ- Why should you care about power, politics, and government?
Please take out about 7 new vocabulary cards. Write these words (from Chapter 1) on the rest of your cards.
(one word per card) 11.politics 12. Institutions 13. Public goods 14. Nation-state 17. Sovereignty 2. Sign into your online textbook and look at the tabs at the top of the page. Find the word that says 'Glossary' and complete the definitions on the back of the note cards.
When you are finished working on the definitions, complete your picture or symbol on the front of the note card.Do not find a symbol or picture on the internet that you do not understand and use it for your symbol!!!! The picture or symbol is supposed to be something that pops into your head when you read the word and the definition. When you are finished with your cards, complete the Reading Challenge (see the tab at the top of the page) for this chapter.
The questions are based on information you read during the chapter. The last half hour of class, we will play Pictionary with our vocabulary note cards. H.W.- Study your vocabulary note cards because you never know when I will give you a quiz!
Monday- 9/8/2014 EQ- What are the five sources of power and how can you use them constructively to influence your community and your world? Read Chapter 1, sections 3 & 4 with your partner or group. Take out paper and write the title 'The Five Sources of Power Questions' 3. With your device, go to the wiki and click on Civics/Econ 5/6 and read today's agenda to find the questions. Open the following questions and work together with your group to answer them the best way that you can. H.W.- If you did not finish your questions in class, you need to take home your book and finish them for homework.
Friday 9/5/2014 EQ- What are the five sources of power and how can you use them constructively to influence your community and your world? Open your textbook to Chapter 1-The Nature of Power, Politics, and You 2. Read (together as a class), Introduction and section 2 and discuss vocabulary and main ideas.
Go over the vocabulary words from Chapter 1-starting with authority and stopping at social-contract theory. Show different symbols and pictures. Use the second part of the class to play 'Pictionary'.yes! H.W.- Answer the EQ on a piece of paper or on a note card Thursday 9/4/2014 EQ- What are the five sources of power and how can you use them constructively to influence your community and your world? Please take your vocabulary notecards from Chapter 1 (10 cards), staple them together and put your name on the top card. Place in the class basket for credit. Take everything off of your desk except a number 2 pencil.
Today, you will take the Civics Pre-test. This test is required by the state of DE to see how much you know about Civics and what you still need to learn. You are allowed to work the whole period, so when you are finished your Pre-Test, please bring it up and put on the computer cart and go back to your seat. You can sign into your device and search for appropriate symbols or pictures to draw on the front of your vocabulary note cards. The symbols or pictures should represent what your word should look like if you were to visualize it.
H.W.- No official homework, however, you could always study your note cards for our pictionary game tomorrow! Wednesday 9/3/2014 EQ- What are the five sources of power and how can you use them constructively to influence your community and your world? Use your electronic device and sign into your online textbook.
Start with the introduction and click on the blue vocabulary words. Make note cards for your vocabulary words. Finish your personal power assessment ( at the bottom of the introduction) 3. Read & discuss the five sources of power- Take notes on your note book paper 4. Use your electronic device and work on identifying the vocabulary words from Chapter 1 (just up through section 2) H.W.- Finish the 10 vocabulary words (on note cards) Tuesday-9/2/2014 EQ- How do you feel about power? You will need three pieces of paper- put your name, date, & period on the right hand side of your paper and the title of assignment on the left hand side. Materials Check #1 3.
Syllabus Quiz- Write in complete sentences and include examples for the questions that ask you to 'explain'. Give out News Journal information Thursday-8/28/2014 EQ- How do you feel about power? Finish going over the Syllabus (remember your quiz is on Tuesday) 2. Read & discuss Teen Rules for Staying Safe Online, sign & keep in binder 2. Assign textbooks and give information about the online textbook (see directions under Class Resources) 3. Keep the online textbook information in your binder, behind Technology divider. Assign electronic devices, try to sign into your online textbook.
Once you get there, look around the textbook and get used to the features. H.W.- Read over your Syllabus and study for your quiz on Tuesday. Bring required materials for your material check #1 on Tuesday. Wednesday- 8/27/2014 EQ- What is the course, Civics/Economics all about, and what types of things will we learn?
Seating Chart 2. Read & Discuss Syllabus 4. Read & Discuss Internet Sheets 5. Water Cooler Items H.W.- Required Materials Check Thursday and bring back signed Student Internet Contract Tuesday-8/26/2014 EQ- In regards to Civics/Economics, what are three, short-term goals you would like to set for yourself this year?
(Please make your goals realistic) 1. Welcome to the classroom!
Answer the essential question while teacher takes attendance 3. Teacher Introduction 4. Watch short 'Kid President' video 5. Discuss classroom rules and procedures 6. Hand out syllabus and technology usage agreements H.W.- Technology Usage Agreement and Class Materials due by Thursday 8/28/2014.