Casbo Retention Manual

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Document Directory Database Online Casbo Records Retention Manual Casbo Records Retention Manual - In this site is not the similar as a solution encyclopedia you purchase in a. Apr 29, 2008 - This. Records Retention Handbook supplements the information in the State Administrative. Manual and the procedural publications displayed.

  1. Casbo Record Retention Manual
  2. Casbo Retention

Records Retention AUSD Record Retention Storage boxes are stored at our offsite facility, Corodata. To access existing files and/or store new files, complete the Corodata Record Storage Access Form and submit to the purchasing manager for approval. Once your access is approved and user account created, you will receive an email from Corodata with your login credentials.

Casbo Retention Manual

Casbo Record Retention Manual

If assistance is needed, contact AUSD Records Retention Technician. (Use Internet Explorer Browser) You can use the training guide for your reference and the CASBO Manual for Retention purposes. 050118 If you have any questions you can call Print Shop Records and Information Technician at 925-779-7600 X13180 or email.

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Changes may be made to information on a non-specific time basis and, as such, automatically become part of the document. AUSD staff may improve, reschedule, change, or discontinue products, serves, and/or programs described in documents at any time without notice. Nondiscrimination Statement - The Antioch Unified School District (AUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. AUSD has made reasonable attempts to insure our web pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything in violation of the AUSD Acceptable Use of Technology Policy. AUSD website documents are provided as is.

Casbo Retention

Documents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Changes may be made to information on a non-specific time basis and, as such, automatically become part of the document. AUSD staff may improve, reschedule, change, or discontinue products, serves, and/or programs described in documents at any time without notice. Nondiscrimination Statement - The Antioch Unified School District (AUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services.