Physical Chemistry Atkins Solutions Manual 9th
Contents. PART 1. EQUILIBRIUM- 1. The properties of gases- 2.
Peter Atkins Physical Chemistry Solutions 9th Edition - Ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online.
The first law- 3. The second law- 4. Physical transformations of pure substances- 5. Simple mixtures- 6. Phase diagrams- 7. Chemical equilibrium- PART 2. STRUCTURE- 8.
Quantum theory: introduction and principles- 9. Quantum theory: techniques and applications- 10. Atomic structure and atomic spectra- 11. Molecular structure- 12. Molecular symmetry- 13. Spectroscopy 1: rotational and vibrational spectra- 14.
Spectroscopy 2: electronic transitions- 15. Spectroscopy 3: magnetic resonance- 16. Statistical thermodynamics: the concepts- 17. Statistical thermodynamics: the machinery- 18. Molecular interactions- 19. Materials 1: Macromolecules and aggregates- 20.
Engineering Solutions Manual
Materials 2: The solid state- PART 3. Molecules in motion- 22. The rates of chemical reactions- 23. The kinetics of complex reactions- 24. Molecular reaction dynamics- 25.
Physical Chemistry Atkins Solutions
Processes at solid surfaces. (source: Nielsen Book Data)58 Publisher's Summary This 'Student's Solutions Manual to Accompany Atkins' Physical Chemistry' provides detailed solutions to the 'a' exercises, and the odd-numbered discussion questions and problems that feature in the eighth edition of 'Atkins' Physical Chemistry'. Intended for students and instructors alike, the manual provides helpful comments and friendly advice to aid understanding.
The student's solutions manual is an invaluable resource wherever 'Atkins' Physical Chemistry' is used for teaching. (source: Nielsen Book Data)58.